Integrity & Reporting

Sports Chaplaincy Australia is committed to the highest standards of transparency and integrity throughout its member network and the wider Australian sporting community.
Integrity Committee

SCA’s independent integrity committee oversees the review and oversight of integrity matters made known through this portal. It is open to both current and past members, sports organisations, clubs, athletes, faith communities and the general public.

Professional Code of Conduct

All current SCA chaplains, staff, network coordinators and senior personnel abide by a Professional Code of Conduct.


All reports/matters are routed directly to the SCA Integrity Committee and are processed accordingly.

In sending this information you agree to have your contact and incident details made available to the Integrity Committee and SCA personnel to assist in the response of this matter. You will also receive a copy of the information you submit below.

Stories of Impact

You’re helping clubs to stand strong in crisis!

Posted on 17/11/2021
When clubs experience crisis – from economic devastation to career-ending injuries...