You’re helping clubs to stand strong in crisis!

When clubs experience crisis – from economic devastation to career-ending injuries or even the tragedy of member taking their own life – your support is helping them to stand strong.

The St Albans Football Club was rocked by the news that a club leader had taken their own life. In grief and shock, they reached out to Sports Chaplaincy Australia.

With your support, chaplains were able to visit the club that same night, and help players, administrators and families as they rallied to support one another. One administrator said:

“We realised we needed some support for everyone that was touched by the tragedy, but we didn’t know how to manage this – and we all needed help ourselves.

“SCA did counselling sessions with our members – adults, adolescents and juniors – and tailored them for different groups. We spoke openly and were guided and supported through our grief.”

One member who attended says it was important to have a safe place to discuss what happened and process the events together:

“I was in a group with some senior players and was part of the discussion. It was super valuable for myself and the club. It helped the club grieve and come to grips with the events of the week. All players – young and old – could share in a moment, knowing that they weren’t alone.”

The club is preparing to support families and the community into the long term, too, with a stronger emphasis on mental health and emotional support. The administrator said:

“There’s been a greater sense of trust and openness to talk about our problems; there’s genuine care from everyone and an ongoing sense of looking out for the person beside you.”

So thank you for enabling accredited chaplains to provide complete care to sports people and entire clubs in their moments of crisis. As clubs grapple with the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the strains that sports communities are facing, you’re providing vital support. Thank you!

Stories of Impact

You’re helping clubs to stand strong in crisis!

Posted on 17/11/2021
When clubs experience crisis – from economic devastation to career-ending injuries...